In my work I use quite a lot of tourmalines to make beautiful and unique rings. Tourmalines occur in such a beautiful variety of colours. I hope this blog entry will help you to get to know this stone better and you will feel more confident when purchasing your jewellery with tourmalines!
It is believed that tourmaline has a strong calming effect that will offer relief from stress.
Tourmaline comes in bright and muted colour tones ranging from blue, green, yellow, pink, red, orange, purple, brown, colourless and black being most common. Some tourmalines are bicolour and they are called Watermelon Tourmalines because it starts with red colour at the base that sharply transitions to green and it looks like sliced watermelon!
They come in so many colours because it belongs to a large group of boron silicate minerals. These minerals share a common crystal structure and similar physical properties – but vary tremendously in chemical composition. The wide range of compositions and colour zoning within crystals causes tourmaline to occur in more colours and colour combinations than any other mineral group.
Tourmaline has a Mohs hardness of 7 to 7 ½, and that hardness makes it a durable to be worn everyday and is fine to be set in rings. Tourmaline is also relatively resistant to chemicals so you can wash your hands with a calm conscience, your stone will not become mat and otherwise unattractive.
Tourmaline gem rough is mined from stream sediments in many parts of the world, often by artisanal miners. It generally occurs as small granules and pebbles that have been rounded by the abrasion of stream transport. Then being cut to various shaped gemstones to make them look shiny and sparkling.
Tourmaline is birthstone of October.
Today, discoveries of tourmaline of various kinds are made in Nepal, Afghanistan, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, the United States and other countries.
Here are few samples of rings set with tourmalines and my tiny collection of gemstones – I can’t wait to make some beautiful jewels with it!